Sorry about that... Life threw me a curveball this year, my strange higgledypiggeldy family is expanding by one at Christmas, December 23rd to be precise..a smaller and slighty more quiet version of me and he! How exciting.
So, since we last spoke..well, I had to give knitting a long break as the past seven months I have been busy inspecting the inside of my toilet bowl more often that I would've liked. In fact, I got so used to hanging upside down inside the toilet bowl I did begin to wonder if I was part-bat? Wilf got loads better, his jaw fixed and he now looks very much like a slightly fatter, smilier, slightly fluffier version of a smudgy cloud. Bean grew a whole year older and is now 9! Woah!
And to work, well I decided it was about time. 'He' (very kindly) bought me a little website to tinker with for my birthday (which isn't until the end of this month) So I can have my very own little space to list my curiosities and cumbersome knits :)
I will be updating my new site with new items as often as a spherical pregnant person can be doing on a daily basis... just to warn you, my head is all over the place so if it takes a little time or i accidentally knit a cat into your wintery scarf, then i am awfully sorry but you can be sure the cat will have the most perfect manners and the very softest of yarn
Until next time my woolly friends..xx