i've had such cold feet recently..it's doing my head in. actually my hands have also been cold when i'm working..can't really knit with gloves on though. hrm, might purchase some kind of wonderful feet warming devices, such as slippers or toasties or whatever they are called..? yes..
had a nice day today..the wind was wild whipping a blinder outside my window and of course the light never really managed to live up to its name. gloom danced around my house to the haunting howls of the wind down the chimney..to this soundtrack i photographed a fabulous friend in my mega chunky knitwear and a few of the not-so-mega, but nonetheless still fairly mega knitwear too. it was so dark in the 'studio' (aka lounge) that we had to put all the lights and lamps on at once, new photos are no good if you cannae see the model y'know..anyway we were illuminated like blackpool biddies under a disco ball thingy..bright! it was so hot though, i am surprised 'she' (the model) didn't melt! but she did a wonderful job and you can see her pretty woollen face here www.etsy.com/shop/nooandnelly
if your eyes aren't pleased enough by her very lovely face then please your ears here 'cos she also happens to be a bloody brilliant singer/songwriter and her name is aubrey dye. you can find her on myspace here www.myspace.com/aubreydyemusic lucky you!
i've been thinking about moving house a lot lately. i love where i live, it's quirky and higgledy piggeldy but i am starting to miss the countryside, the green grass and actually being able to see the stars at night. the sky at night is orange here from the industrial forest of street lamps and shops..it's ok i guess..? i love the view from my room, it is all dickensian, slim rows of tall chimney pots crowning the terracotta terraces ahead and a backdrop of wispy clouds that change into such greys that they merge into the slate tiles of the roofs as the sludgy weather gets ever bleaker then swallows them whole!!..but no, it's not enough anymore! i miss the smell of the grass and the rolling hills and birds..where do they live in the town? just the odd fat pigeon coo-coo-ing down my chimney as it wonders how on earth it can be bothered to fly all the way to trafalgar square from caversham..oh! it's a mere 30 minutes on the train mr, pigeon..see you at the station with the other pigeons, yes?
anyway..as i was saying. the country..but where to go?
maybe it is the forest green of the scarf i knit not precisely now, or maybe it is the twisting cunning cable pattern?.. but it makes me think of cosy country escapes, huge mugs of hot chocolate, my dog being fat by my feet and a chocolate box country cottage with a roaring fire glowing through its peeping little windows..and me inside said house with him and the boy...and there is a little tiled hallway with a very perfect space to put my newly bought slippers (for my very cold feet) next to their sleeping slippers before we all put on our warmest boots and head off out into the glorious dark to enjoy the winter sky and its beautiful blanket of stars...mmmm
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